Telling Our Story With Queen City Exclusive
“Everyone shines, given the right lighting.”
It’s often surprising, to some, that I am an introvert. I’ve begun to speak about it more as I realize I’m part of a much bigger group. I’ve also discovered a lot of my clients are of a similar persuasion. Of course, as in people, no two are alike and we all have various ways we present ourselves to others. Me? It can appear that I’m as outgoing as they come. It’s because I’m truly interested in people. If not practicing interior design, I’d probably love to be a talk show host, helping others share themselves with the world; however, putting me in the interviewee’s seat is an entirely different thing.
It’s not that I’m at a loss for words or thoughts. It’s more along the lines of having the quiet time to pull them all together. To edit them in such a way for digestible bites.
When Queen City Exclusive reached out to do a feature, it was exciting to know I’d have an opportunity to share more about how we work with clients; the importance we place on the home environment being supportive of their lives. Our “why”, if you will.
To my relief, the interview was done by email so it gave me time for thoughtful pause. In reading the finished results, I couldn't be happier! Emma Merchant took the essence of my answers and beautifully wove it into a tapestry of words. I hope you’ll enjoy reading and learning a bit more about me - about us.
It’s not often that I shine the spotlight directly on me. It’s most always on our clients, our projects, and our team. Thank you for allowing me to bask a bit in the warm glow.
You can read the article in their <online issue - April/May> or you can click on the images, below, to enlarge the pages.